Dear viewers,
Note: In today's post let us see about DEEPA PRAKASAR
While the yagam under the leadership of Brhma was going on Asuras(Demons) darkened the yagasala, hence the rishis and devas were not able to see anything.Brhma was worried about this and prayed to Lord Sriman Narayana.
Lord Narayana came with bright lights (Deepams) in his hands and stood in the yagasala so that the yagam could continue.The Perumal Who came with such lights is called DEEPA PRAKASAR and even now we can have his darsan at the place called THIRU THANKA at kanchipuram.In Tamil He has been named as VILAKKU OLI(the light of a lamp) by our Azhwars.
Thoopul(Thiru Thanga)is also is also the birth place of SRI VEDANTHA DESIKAN, a great Vaishnava Acharya who came after Sri Ramanuja.
Let us have darsan of him and get the Light of Wisdom in our life too.
Kooram Varadarya Dasan