Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
ஸ்ரீ வரதனின் கோடை திருநாள்.
அன்பர்களே நேற்று அடியேன் காஞ்சியில் ஸ்ரீ வரதனின் கோடை திருநாளை சேவிக்கும் பாக்கியம் பெற்றேன்.அதை நம் அன்பர்களிடம் பங்கு கொள்ள ஆசை.மாலைஸ்ரீ வரதன் தன் உபய நாச்சிமர்களுடன் திருவடி கோயில் வரை புறப்பாடு கண்டருளினார்.பின்பு கோயில் உள்ளே நான்குகால் மண்டபத்தில் ஆஸ்தானம் கொண்டு உபசாரங்கலாக சந்தனம் ,குங்குமப்பூ போன்ற திரவியங்களை சாற்றிக்கொண்டு புஷ்பங்களை சூடிக்கொண்டார்.மிகவும் ஆனந்தமான இந்த உற்சவத்தின் சில படங்களை உங்களுக்காக பதிவு செய்துள்ளேன்.கண்டு மகிழ்க.கரி கிரி ஹரியின் அருள் பெருக.
கூரம் வரதார்ய தாசன்.
Friday, June 26, 2009
ஸ்ரீ வரதன் வைகாசி மகோற்சவம்
Thursday, May 7, 2009
srivaradhar avatara vaibhavam

Dear viewers,
sri Devaraja perumal ,Sri varadar avatara utsavam held on 6.5.09 at kanchi,chitrai hastham His birth star.On that day LOrd varadaraja came down from Hasthigiri(Hill) by 4.00 am in the early morning and reached Avatara utsava bangala(hall) situated at north mada st.,and a grand thirumanjanam ( Abihshegam ) took place and He gave darsanam to thousands of devotees.
In the evening He with his concerts had a proccession in the mada veedhis around the temple with divya prabhandha parayanam in the front of Him and vedha parayanam in the back and the whole kancheepuram gathered there to have His blessings and the utsavam was ended with veda ,divya prabhandha sathumarai.Prasadham was distributed to all.
kooram varadarya dasan.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
1000 th year of THIRU KACHI NAMBIGAL

Dear viewers,
To day is an important day in every vaishnavites life that is the 1000 th birthday day or jayanthi of SRI THIRUKACHI NAMBIGAL,who born in Poonamallee aplace near chennai in the year 1909.
sri Nambigal rendered his service to Lord Ranganatha,LOrd srinivasa of thirumala and to sri VaradarajaPerumal of Kanchi.Out of them only Sri varadan enjoyed his AAlavatta kainkaryam,Handfan service,for which sri varadan started to talk to nambigal though He is in the form of VIGRAHA( IDOL).
Nambigal daily going kanchi with jasmine flower garland to sri varadan form poonthamalli,and in his olden days Sri varadan gave him place in kanchi itself to stay .The place he stayed in kanchi now becomes his sannadhi (koil)
He cleared six doubts of SRI RAMANUJA by getting answers from sri varadan hence becomes an AACHARYAN to Sri Ramanuja.
Almost all the vaishnava temples celebrating to day his 1000 th year MAASI MIRUGASIRSHAM, and we too rememner Him and His services to vaishnavam and get His blessings.
kooram varadarya dasan
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dear viewers,
Bhagavad Ramanuja ,while undergoing studies from Yadhava prakasar,was in trouble and Lord Varadaraja came with His concert Sri Perundeevi thayar and helped him to safely return to kanchi.At that time sri thayar wanted to have some water due to thrist ,Ramanuja went to bring water,but they disppaered while he return.
Later Ramanuja realised that Sri varada and thayar only came for his resque ,he started the service of bringing Theertham to His poojas daily from the SALAKINARU the well from which he was about to give water originally to them.
Even today the theertham for pooja is being brought from that well only which is about 5 k.m from the temple.The utsavam called ANUSHTANA KULA Utsavam is being celebrated every year,on that day Perumal is going there along with Ramanuja and poojas performed both of them.
You can also enjoy the utsavam with the photos enclosed.
kooram varadarya dasan
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dear viewers,
I wish you all a very happy sankaranthi which is the first day of uttarayana punya kalam.
The lord Varadaraja perumal starts out on this day after finished the Dhanur masa poojas i.e Margazhi masa early morning rituals.
The parvettai utsavam meant for warming up for the lord as well as His devotees who are in service for the all 30 days in margazhi by getting up early and did poojas at home and also at the temple.
The perumal goes every year on the second day of the month thai to bless all His devotees.The place is called SEEVARAM Which is nearby kancheepuram,and around 60 kilometers from CHENNAI.
The LOrd bless thousands of HIs devotees Who gather in the place and return to Kanchi the next day only.
Pl see the attached photos taken by me at this accasion and enjoy.
kooram varadarya dasan
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